Tuesday, January 16, 2018


So I started working as a Special Education teacher a year ago in November. It’s getting...........
Paper work I find futile, but love working with the kids. They are a crazy bunch of humans and I fit right in being their teacher. They like my stories.  I still long for ranch and country life, but am trying to grow as a super stud woman of Nobel character by being a mother to the fullest and bringing in some dough…in the most stressful way possible ha!. But its good and life is sweet. I’ll have to share a persuasive essay with you (Just learned how to spell that word after teaching it and writing it over and over and over), good thing I struggle with dyslexia myself, makes me relatable. But his..I’ll call him Diego since that’s his real name, his persuasive essay was about how there was nothing wrong with life, and everything was as it should be, life was good. Amongst the other essays was Erica, a goth girl, she loves anime and death. She wrote her essay about how everyone should read Death Book. A book that when you write someone’s name in it, she said they will either die from a heart attack, or get hit by a car etc etc. I was working at my desk and she asked me how I spelled my name. I got half way through spelling it for her when I realized she was writing me in her book. And Jouhan, 12 who has been in my class awhile but I have only recently met. He speaks little English and was cleaning up hurricane mess in Perto Rico for months. He wrote about how he could be a professional baseball player someday. I hope he can and does. When I asked if he learned to play from his dad he said no, his mom? no, who then. He said my brother. Oh, is your brother?  “Jail” “oh man how old is he?” I asked. “37”

 On another note we have a snow day tomorrow! I’m so happy. Esther got a bout of what we think may have been food poisoning from some tacos. Found her fully clothed sitting in the bathtub full of barf. She is better. Boys are playing LoTRo Lord of the Rings Online and I’m enjoying their company. I can do paperwork all day if I’m surrounded them…and Uncle Paul live on voice, playing with them from Oklahoma. Oh yeah and Matt is mining bit coin, he made 15 dollars in one day. I’m so proud of him. Better than trading penny stocks.